



Wyllie - Mrs. James Coates and Daughter Spirit Photograph

Mrs. James Coates & Spirit of Daughter

A 1909 spirit photograph by Edward Wyllie featuring Mrs. James Coates and the spirit of her daughter.

The back of the photograph states:

Mrs. Coates. Picture of daughter, with lilies as promised three years before – for identity. Mrs. Coates wanted it known how we should know her, as she passed away as young child. She promised the lilies. Her spirit name being “lily”. Mr. Wyllie, knew nothing of Lily. / Identified Portrait

James Coates (c. 1927) – British writer on Spiritualism and spirit photography. He contributed articles to Light and Two Worlds and was the author of the book Photographing the Invisible.

Photograph ID: 2023.219.2904

Photographer: Edward Wyllie

Type: Cabinet Card

Date: September 10, 1909

Courtesy of: Michael McDowell Death Collection

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